TED Talks

What Happens to Sex in Midlife? A Look at the “Bedroom Gap” | Maria Sophocles | TED
I'm Terrified of Wanting to Be a Billionaire | Pardis Parker | TED
The Best Kindergarten You’ve Ever Seen | Takaharu Tezuka @TED #ted #tedtalks
The Human Cost of Coal Mining in China | Xiaojun "Tom" Wang | TED
A Comedian’s Take on How to Save Democracy | Jordan Klepper | TED
How to Live With Economic Doomsaying | Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak | TED
The Secret to Making New Friends as an Adult | Marisa G. Franco @TED #ted #tedtalks
Let Your Garden Grow Wild | Rebecca McMackin | TED
Why Don’t We Have Better Robots Yet? | Ken Goldberg | TED
Nuclear Power Is Our Best Hope To Ditch Fossil Fuels | Isabelle Boemeke @TED #tedtalks #ted
Invisible AI, a Personal Time Machine and More: A Celebration of Creativity from the TED Conference
3 Steps to Better Connect With Your Fellow Humans | Amber Cabral | TED