TED X Talks

How we can make robots more human-like | Robert Katzschmann | TEDxGateway
Be More Futurist | Dr. Graham Norris | TEDxWalthamstow
Take it again | Josh McDonald | TEDxFarmingtonCorrectionalCenter
Earning my dad's pride | James Rogalski | TEDxFarmingtonCorrectionalCenter
More than a baby's daddy | Ali Cubba | TEDxFarmingtonCorrectionalCenter
Hush Now, Adults ... The Children Are Talking | Jonny Walker | TEDxWalthamstow
Stolen Voices: The Power of Historical Black Voices | Pauline Campbell | TEDxWalthamstow
What's love got to do with it? | Tyrone Adams | TEDxFarmingtonCorrectionalCenter
Puppies for parole made me a better person | William Carrico | TEDxFarmingtonCorrectionalCenter
AI’s Oppenheimer moment: the ethics of technology | Nadia Lee | TEDxSydney Salon
What If AI Is the key to better relationships? | Will Liang | TEDxSydney Salon
AI agents: The scientist's new superpower | Stefan Harrer | TEDxSydney Salon